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Letter from the CEO

The life of a company is inseparable from that of the society in which it operates. Hence the need to mark certain stops which, moreover, are inevitably required, to measure both the substance, the content but also the degree of efficiency of the content of any business project.

Success has no secret except in work and nowadays the rehabilitation of the value of work, more than ever challenges us, in particular to position ourselves and register ourselves in the global dynamic.

A project, to succeed and hope to be able to shine on the socio-economic sphere, must be a source of contribution in the social, cultural, industrial and economic development, without losing sight of its corollary which is strategic autonomy, which first passes through self-sufficiency, to subsequently generate added value, which can propel the economy in general towards the ambitions displayed which correspond to expectations, needs and international requirements.

It is through this vision, underpinned by a philosophy animated by a soul whose mosaic finds all its reason for being through faith, serenity, tenacity and endurance without losing sight of the intentional goal and objective in a word: The course.

Meeting the country’s needs in terms of innovation, training, employment, therapies, can only motivate the various protagonists to combine efforts to always move in the same direction but also in the same direction.

On the paths of such adventures, that our dreams but also our measured ambitions, with a lot of luck, will leave here and there, scattered, ideas that evolve, transform into projects, all underpinned by an unalterable conviction and an unshakeable faith in success.

« The righteous live by faith » said Samuel Butler. From the shadow of this adage, let us ensure that a reality is born.

Doctor Abdelhamid Cherfaoui,