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A name, A story

A name, a story

A Meaning and origin of the name of the group

The choice of the name of the FRATER RAZES Laboratories Group is a contraction of:


Because this project was born from a fraternal spirit, and we wanted this fraternal bond that unites all of our human capital, to reflect the spirit of our company.

We sought to instill everything that this value conveys of living and benevolent within our company.


We wanted to combine this value with what we consider to be as
precious as fraternity: knowledge.

As a figure of knowledge, we chose the name of the great scientist Abou
Bakr Mohamed Ibn Zakariya Al-Razi, better known in Latin as Razès.

Do you know who Al-Razi is?

Al-Razi is a multidisciplinary scholar who has made important contributions to medicine, alchemy and philosophy. Some of his contributions to medicine:

He is among the first to apply chemical knowledge to medicine and to link the healing of the patient to a chemical reaction in his body.
He used his knowledge of chemistry for his medical activity, he can be considered a founder of iatrochemical therapeutics (the use of chemical substances to treat diseases).
He worked to establish pharmacology as a medical discipline in its own right and the chapter dedicated to him in his treatise Kitab al-Hawi remained a reference until the 17th century in Europe.
He practiced the extraction of alcohol by distillation of fermented starchy and carbohydrate substances, which he used in pharmacy for the production of medicines and remedies.
He was the first to mention sulfuric acid, which he called « oil of vitriol » or « green vitriol ».

Presentation of the group

The history of FRATER RAZES Laboratories began in February 1992 in a room no larger than 40 m². And to think that this is where the vision and ambitions of the soul that our laboratory was to embody were already taking shape.

Today, more than 30 years later, an industrial complex equipped with cutting-edge technologies has emerged with its numerous production units and therapeutic ranges, to international standards where therapeutic innovation, research and targeted therapies will still defy all difficulties and other obstacles, placing the concerns and needs of patients above all else.

It is in reality dreams but also convictions that have never ceased to animate this sustained passion as well as this framework that describes the milestones of a story with as only anchor the generosity, the courage to remain faithful to the values ​​that each of the stages conveys,

When it sometimes happens to find oneself at the bottom of the ladder, one will simply have to remember that a spark will always come to illuminate the path to success.